Monday, March 4, 2013

First Term Paper Outline


1. Introduce Animated Feature Film " Ice Age 4 -Continental Drift "

2. Thesis: Law of physics is being pushed in order to create a sense of humor and entertaining
animation. However, the film still appears believable/ acceptable because of the contest of the animation itself is unreal and took place long time ago (Ice age and talking animals)


1. Super exaggerated consequences/ damages due to small physical impact:

 a. Scrat in the process of chasing his acorn, caused dramatic consequences to the Earth. He accidentally pushed  the little acorn in to the ground which made little crack. But then the little crack expand to the whole surrounding area causing the entire mountain to split in half. Or, when he pulled the acorn out of the well at the squirel paradise at the end of the movie causing the whole ocean to drain and turn to desert in just matter of seconds.

 b. When Scrat fell into the inside of the earth to reach the core, Scrat is too small to be able to rotate the earth core which is basically millions times bigger than him. Furthermore, Scrat was able to move the core at such a speed fast enough to cause the surface of Earth to crack and lead to the splitting of the continents.

2. Unrealistic reaction/ consequences due to strong physical impact/ Characters in the movies survived the most extreme, deadliest situation :

a. Scrat didn't get burned to ashes when falling toward the core of the Earth which is know to be filled with hot lava. 

b. Deer only lost his fur after jumping directly into a boiling spur.  

c. Sid, Diego and Manny looked just fine after they got blown away by a tornado and then suffered an epic fall from up above the cloud straight down to a raging ocean.

3. Squirrels are known to have super ability under water ???

Scrat without any diving equipment, went down all the way to the bottom of the ocean without being crushed by the extremely high pressure. Instead, he only got deformed. Also, he spent an awfully long amount of time under the water just by using water bubble as a source for oxygen.


1. The laws of physics were challenged from time to time in this movie.
2. However, physical laws are only broken at some climax. Only by making things a little bit out of the norms can animators deliver a lot of fun, thrill, unexpected and entertaining,
etc factors to the moments.      

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